May 22, 2022
Romans 8:1 is one of the greatest verses in scripture. Freedom is available for those who are “…in Christ Jesus.” The gift of the Holy Spirit not only confirms that we are now in Christ, but also enables us to walk in newness of life.
May 22, 2022
Romans 8:1 is one of the greatest verses in scripture. Freedom is available for those who are “…in Christ Jesus.” The gift of the Holy Spirit not only confirms that we are now in Christ, but also enables us to walk in newness of life.
May 1, 2022
In verse 14 of Romans 6, Paul makes to great promises, “sin shall no longer be your master” and “you are not under the law, but under grace.” These great promises are the engine that drive us to live lives as those who have been brought from death to life.
April 24, 2022
Once we surrender to the lordship of Jesus nothing in our lives is the same – nothing can be the same. In chapters 6-8 of Romans, Paul explains the doctrine of change in the live of a believer once they’ve been justified by faith.
April 17, 2022
“He is not here. He is Risen” That statement, while comforting, is really a pregnant question. If He’s not here, WHERE is He? If Jesus were still in the grave, that would make Him a good man that died. If He were just in heaven, that would make Him transcendent. The fact that Jesus is with us, for us, makes Him our resurrected lord.
April 10, 2022
In Romans, Chapter 6, Paul begins unpacking the “theology of change”; what happens because of our justification by faith. Just as if we were in and with Adam when he sinned, so too are we joined in union with Jesus. When He died, we died; when He was buried, we were buried. When He rose to life, so too we have risen to new life. Baptism is a picture of this new reality.
April 3, 2022
The concept of original sin is problematic for some people, that through one man, Adam, all mankind is born with the desire to sin, to try and live their life apart from God. But God is a good Father, and in His grace and mercy He provided the solution in the new Adam. God is doing a new thing through Jesus.
March 27, 2022
Last week, we began Chapter 5 and Paul started listing the benefits we enjoy as justified believers. Because of the cross we have… 1) Peace with God 2) Favor with God 3) Joy in God. All good things. Paul continues his list of benefits and he states that we should have joy in our suffering. How does that work?
March 20, 2022
Having spent the better part of four chapters explaining why trying to obtain righteousness before God any way other than faith, is not only impossible, but foolish. Paul now begins to dive into the benefits we enjoy when we are justified by faith alone. Because we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God and have unrestricted access to his presence.
March 13, 2022
In the first four 1/2 chapters of Romans, Paul has been explaining our need for justification and that it’s only available by faith. In the last half of chapter four Paul introduces us to faith. Join us as we look at 4 questions about faith!
March 6, 2022
Jesus has been the plan from the very beginning. After explaining to the church at Rome that no one is righteous on their own; nobody can every be good enough, Paul now explains how Abraham and King David were justified by faith…and so are we.
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